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Writer's pictureElizabeth Anderson

Musings On... the Full Moon/Blue Moon in Pisces

Wednesday, August 30, 2023. 3:35pm Hawaii Time

Full Moon, Blue Moon, Super Moon, Pisces Moon, Beautiful Moon.

Go outside and look at the Moon!

Oh my Goodness it's gorgeous!

There's a solemn beauty about this configuration. Conjunct Saturn, this Moon asks us to level up, to be willing to do the hard thing. What hard thing?? In Pisces we tune in to our “higher mind”. The creative, imaginative, psychic, intuitive part of our being. So, is it time to do the hard work (Saturn) of attuning our intuition (Moon) to a higher perspective (Pisces)?

Opposite the Moon, the Sun in Virgo is focusing our attention on analysis, and the pursuit of perfection. (Notice I didn’t say the attainment of perfection, because that, my friends, is not possible! But don’t tell dear Virgo that! ) With Mercury retrograding through this sign there is a review happening. We’re seeing everything that’s wrong with the world, with society, with people around us, and…. With ourselves. There's a lot of material there! Let’s stick with that last one to keep it personal, and pause to get the bigger picture.

Venus is beginning to station (Direct, Sunday evening here in Hawaii), and Jupiter is slowing to retrograde (Monday). There’s a lot of shifting happening in the heavens, and A LOT of retrograding. Think… wobbly feeling, and review of the past. Meanwhile, our ever dependable, stable, secure, resourceful Earth signs are all hosting planets that are currently working to destabilize foundations, structures, and scripts from our past. Fortunately they’re all naturally in harmonious aspects to one another. The silver lining in the chaos is the opportunity to begin again. But first there's work to do.

In Capricorn, Pluto retrograde dismantles scaffolding in our lives that is faulty, worn out, or otherwise compromised. Meanwhile, it squares the Moon’s nodes, potentially triggering karmic woundign from our past that is ready for healing. Comfortable? No. Powerful? Yes!

In Taurus, Uranus has just stationed retrograde, and Jupiter is about to. Uranus pulls gravity as it changes direction in the sign of Earth, and we’re seeing unstable weather patterns and natural disasters around the world. Internally we may be feeling some unstable weather as well. Expect the unexpected when Uranus is featured. In Taurus, the planet of change takes apart foundations, and shows us our priorities, so we can find security in a life lived according to Truth.

Now, back to Virgo, where Mercury retrograde does the Virgo thing… reviewing problems, mistakes, and dare I say… shortcomings? The Key here is to apply massive doses of compassion, and grace for ourselves and others.

The Full Moon in Pisces asks us to take the high road, and zoom out for the bigger picture. Here’s a spiritual perspective: Ya can’t fix what ya don’t know is broke. Virgo helps us see what is wrong, not so we can beat ourselves up, but so that we can heal and move forward DIFFERENTLY. Virgo also encourages us to keep working on our gifts, and to offer them to a world in need. Virgo processes are catalysts for soul growth. Neptune rx in Pisces asks us to expand into our Creative mind, into higher realms of possibility that exist beyond the mundane.

Chaotic times usher change, and open the doors for new ways forward. It's about what we choose to CREATE. Full Moon in Pisces magnifies CREATIVE energy. Saturn demands that we work at it. Commit to it. It helps to take some time in solitude to feel. Pisces is not rational… it's intuitive. It's feeling. It's the Ocean, the Source.

What a rare thing... a Blue Moon. Rare opportunities? Time to pay attention! Happy Full, Blue Moon in Pisces!

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