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Musings On... the Full Moon in Pisces 2024

Writer's picture: Elizabeth AndersonElizabeth Anderson

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 4:35pm

A picture of the Ocean would be so appropriate for this post... but you know what? Popcorn has been a game changer during this lunation! Seriously! Hope you can make your self a kettle full, with some hot tea, and sit down for this post.

Let’s look ahead by first glancing backwards.  The New Moon expressed the seed for this Full Moon time. Two weeks ago, as the New Moon opposed Saturn,  we talked about having the opportunity to see situations for what they really are. Saturn in Pisces wants to cut through the haze of illusion and offer clarity when we discipline ourselves to do spiritual work. Venus made a conjunction with the Libran South Node… hinting at old karmic (possibly messy)  relationship patterns coming up in order to be shifted.

Enter the  Full Moon in Pisces… a sign that it loves. The sign of feeling, intuition, spiritual perspectives, creative abundance, imagination….. 

This Full Moon is a bit of a tricky one, as it comes with a partial Lunar eclipse.  

In last weeks post I hinted at this eclipse by saying, the only thing between the synthesis of matter and spirit in our lives is our own shadow. 

Seated and momentarily, (partially) eclipsed between Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and Saturn, (both retrograde), what could the Moon’s messages for us be? 

Of course, for deeply personal messages one needs to take their own natal chart into account.  On the collective level, it's useful to note that eclipses tend to signify times of change, endings, and beginnings.  They can be times when emotions are heightened, (especially with Mars transiting through Cancer!)  Big feelings can tend to dramatize, or increase a sense of urgency around matters, especially if the eclipse touches sensitive parts of your natal chart. 

Why? Because we enter  into the shadow realm. Think about trying to see in the dark… Normal objects can become spooky.   We can’t see clearly.  We bump into the furniture and grope to find our way forward. What was that noise?!  At night time everything feels more dramatic. Our fears seem magnified. In the darkness we confront what’s been tucked away from the light of day.

Now let’s talk for a moment about the Pisces/Virgo axis.  Pisces wants to dissolve into oneness with the infinite.  Virgo wants to manifest potential into reality through effort. The idea here is to refine our spiritual practice through effort, honest self-assessment, and service.

This duality doubles up when we contemplate the Moon between Saturn and Neptune.  Remember Neptune is the planetary ambassador of all things Piscean. It draws us up into the clouds.  Saturn, on the other hand, takes off the hazy glasses and asks us to look realistically at what is in front of us with two feet solidly on the ground.  It wants us to do the hard thing, and to act according to our goals, not our emotions.  It represents the material, while Neptune represents the spiritual. Ultimately, a synthesis between matter and spirit is the goal.  First, we heal the shadow between them. Here's where the effort comes in!

Because eclipses have to do with the Moon’s nodes, their messages are heighted now. The New Moon featured Venus conjuct the South Node... old relationship dynamics ready to change and heal. Now Saturn is trine Mars, which has recently entered the sign of Cancer.  Mars rules the North Node of the Moon.  Mars in Cancer promises intense emotions, and probably a good cry!  It has us feeling all the feels around themes of home, family, roots, and belonging. Remember, Saturn is bringing some reality checks around these themes.  Mars defends, protects, pioneers, individuates, and sets boundaries.  Are any of these things needed right now within the realm of home and family in your life? 

The Moon stellium (cluster of planets) squares Jupiter in Gemini, so the bigger picture involves adaptability, a shift in our perception, or perspective. We're still dealing with mutable energy... change, release, adapting, letting go.

So… to summarize??

The New Moon promised the opportunity to see some old relationship patterning for what it really is.  To do this we delve into the shadow realm of hurts, fears, and memories.  We follow the bread crumbs of our intense emotions to see how we can shift perceptive.  (probably around themes of home, family, and belonging, or healing deep emotional wounds) 

All of this work intends to bring us into homeostasis, where light and dark are balanced within.  First we must endure the great pendulum swing, and ride the waves.  Beyond the storm surge there’s glassy water.  Beyond the fear, there’s magic! 

Happy Full Moon in Pisces! Happy Equinox!

Dates ahead:


17 - 4:34 pm Full Moon in Pisces 25°41’

17 - 4:44pm Lunar eclipse 0°08’

22 - 2:44 am Fall Equinox Sun enters Libra 

22 - 4:36pm Venus enters Scorpio

25 - 10:09pm Mercury enters Libra


2 - 8:49 am New Moon in Libra 10°4’

2 - 8:44 am Solar eclipse 7°25'

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