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Writer's pictureElizabeth Anderson

Musings On... the New Moon in Aquarius

Saturday, January 21, 2023 10:54 AM Hawaii Time

Can you feel it? A wave of fresh energy! As if someone’s opened the door and the cold air is rushing in! There’s a massive change of direction happening in the heavens, and forward movement beginning after what has felt like a long period of stillness (stasis?) and reflection.

Last week Mars stationed direct after spending two and a half months reversing through Gemini. As of this writing, (1/18) Mercury stationed direct several hours ago. Tomorrow, the 19th, the Sun will enter Aquarius, and on the 22nd, the day after the New Moon, Uranus, Celestial Aquarian Ambassador, will station direct. Whew!

This is the Lunar Imbolc, (Imbolc Day is February 2nd) coinciding with Chinese New Year, and in pagan Celtic traditions, the beginning of Spring. According to We’Moon 2023 Imbolc is a time of “celebration, prophecy, purification, and initiation.”

With this New Moon, 2023 officially opens. At 1°33’ of Aquarius, our great luminaries are poised at the threshold of change. Aquarius; Mother of lightning bolts and electricity, bringer of revolutionary inspiration, and agent of authenticity; it is within her embrace that we take our first steps forward into the next lunar cycle, and forward into the new year. It is in her doorway that we open to new possibilities, and peer back over our shoulder to see Pluto entering the final degrees of Capricorn. In two month’s time the Lord of the Underworld, planet of depth and transformation, will also enter Aquarius. This is the changing of a chapter in our lives that began in 2008.

During this transitional period it may be helpful to reflect on what structures in our own lives, that we mistook as permanent, are now crumbling away? Can we reconfigure losses into openings and opportunities? Pressing into the painful parts of our lives, rather than avoiding them, may yield healing and unexpected blessings. In Aquarius, Pluto will challenge us to excavate the truth of who we are when all the layers of pretense and sociocultural conditioning are stripped away. When the structures of who we thought we were no longer exist, we’ll learn what our priorities are, and what’s worth living for.

Saturn, co-ruler of Aquarius, spent part of 2020 in this sign, and has been steadily occupying this part of the zodiac for the last two years. Through reality checks and challenges, Saturn has offered how-to’s and insights into claiming the authority of authenticity. The Lord of Karma has shown us who we are under pressure, and how to take responsibility for our choices and actions.

With this New Moon Venus comes to conjunct Saturn, offering a moment of sweetness and

blessing, and revealing the beauty that our diligence has won. Soon (March) Saturn will move on into vast Piscean waters. Now, Venus, Goddess of Graciousness, partners with Saturn to remind us of the value in our goals, lest we get lost in the daily grind, and reminds us to sprinkle our hard work with beauty, pleasure, and creativity. Meanwhile Uranus, stationing direct in Taurus, wants us to feel and know that true security lies within.

The New Moon sextiles Jupiter in Aries, offering a burst of forward momentum, and trines Mars in Gemini. Surely our attitude towards ourselves shapes who we become, and our perceptions create our reality.

All in all, this New Moon encourages us to step into the power of co-authoring our lives with the Divine, and brings opportunity for newness, a fresh beginning, and the potential for energetic renewal. Imua! Let’s move forward!

Happy New Year. Happy “all planets direct”. Happy Imbolc.

Significant Dates:

Mars Direct 1/12 at 10:56 am

Mercury Direct 1/18 3:12 am

Sun enters Aquarius 1/19 at 10:29 pm

Lunar Imbolc: New Moon in Aquarius 1/21 at 10:53 am 1°33’

Uranus Direct 1/22 at 12:59 pm

Venus enters Pisces 1/26 at 4:33pm

Imbolc February 2, 2023

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