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Writer's pictureElizabeth Anderson

Musings On... the Full Moon in Cancer

Monday, January 13, 2025 12:27pm Hawaii Time

Within - Eleykaa Tully

Hi! Let's talk. Let's get right to the point. No messing around. We're on a journey... a journey of self-discovery (aren't we always?). Here's the thing... This Moon cycle began with a New Moon in Capricorn. Capricron's aim is to teach us self-mastery, the kind derived from true integrity. That is... to align our outer, biographical life with our inner truth, and our inner goals. 

Mars is retrograde. Mars, being our motivational drive, and our inner flame, helps us move towards our goals. Being retrograde, we're in a time of reassessing what we're aiming for, and the pathways to arrive there. Having just ingressed into the sign of Cancer, we're likely to have strong emotions arise around these ideas. Cancer puts us in touch with the needs of our heart, specifically, how we need to nurture and heal ourselves. Cancer also relates to home, and family, so these themes may surface, steeped in emotion.

Enter the Full Moon

Any Full Moon in Cancer will require that we feel all the feels. This is about getting in touch with our emotions, and listening to what they're telling us. (Tears acceptable!)

Something extra special is happening though... Just after the Full Moon, the Moon will conjunct Mars rx. For much of the continental US, the Moon will occult Mars. That means, it will pass directly in front of it. Let's think about this symbolically, remembering that the Moon represents the emotional needs of our hearts. Now, put Mars behind our emotions... pure fire, passion, heat, drive, (sometimes stress). There's likely to be a feeling of urgency, possibly crisis, and very likely greater magnitude to our emotional experience. 

Why? I mean.... What's the point?

It's time to look behind our emotions to understand what is driving them on a deeper level. This is the ripening of our lunar cycle theme of self-discovery, and self-mastery.

Now... let's go deeper, because Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) always does. Pluto and the Sun are opposite this Full Moon. Mars and Pluto have been doing a dance for sometime, and it ain't over yet. It's highlighted with the Full Moon. 

Pluto is in Aquarius, a sign that helps us stand for what we believe in.

Pluto asks us to make the unconscious conscious. Becaussssse, when we acknowledge, and love our wounded places, we no longer need to spend energy repressing those icky feelings. The energy we once spent stuffing things down gets reclaimed, and transformed into self-empowerment. This process takes vast amounts of self-love, and a determination to heal. Moon in Cancer is good at that. 

Pluto opposite Moon-Mars Rx? Time to dig deep my friends, beneath the waves of emotions, to the deep waters of the soul within. 

What we discover there brings us closer to our Divine selves. 

We learn what we need, and this informs our goals going forward.

This Lunation is in a beautiful, supportive aspect to Uranus, planet of change. Which leads me to another thing...

The Lunar Nodes have just changed signs. From Aries/Libra to Pisces/Virgo. The North Node points our way forward. In Pisces we're developing unconditional Love, compassion, creativity and a connection to Spirit. The new NN ruler(s) are Neptune and Jupiter. Jupiter has been retrograding through Gemini asking us to open our minds to new perspectives, and Neptune asks us to see the bigger picture, and have compassion for it.

So.... I'm feeling like the new year is beginning with reassessment, a necessary tuning into what lies behind the big (triggers?) emotions that surface, so that we can assess our trajectory forward. Change is in the air, and even if our goals remain the same, the pathways may change. Let's be open, let's have unconditional love and compassion for ourselves in the process, and let's love one another as we're all living under the same beautiful Moon. 

Happy Full Moon in Cancer. 

Love y'all.




13 Full Moon 24° Cancer 12:27pm

14 Venus square Jupiter

18 Venus conjunct Saturn

19 Sun in Aquarius 10:00 am

20 Mercury square Chiron

21 Waning Quarter Moon

21 Sun conjunct Pluto

23 Mercury opposite Mars

23 Mercury trine Uranus

25 Venus trine Mars

27 Mercury in Aquarius 4:53pm 

28 Mercury conjunct Pluto

29 New Moon in Aquarius 9°51’ 2:36am. Lunar Imbolc

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